In the early morning hours of June 3rd, 1998, modest jazz radio station WSKC intercepts an Emergency Alert - but it's not your average thunderstorm warning. Take Cover Now is an analog horror game exploring a frightening prospect: what happens when bad actors use our safety systems against us?


A mysterious group of nefarious individuals is working to attack public services across Florida. As part of their scheme, they hijack the Emergency Alert System. In an instant, what is known as an infallible source of government knowledge becomes useless - and dangerous.

Meanwhile, locally famous radio DJ Scott Crosby is hunkering down in preparation for a stormy night at work, when he gets a strange e-mail from his boss: "Don't Trust the Emergency Alerts."

Over the coming hours, Scott comes face to face with a multitude of hazards - all the while being entirely unsure which are even real. A widower, he fights tooth and nail to ensure he may once again see his daughter.

Will he succeed, or will these unknown threats put out his flame?